Itä-Uusimaa public guardianship, Vantaa office

Visiting address

Vernissakatu 4, 6 krs 01300 VANTAA

Show the location on the map.

Service hours

Monday 09.00-15.00

Tuesday 09.00-15.00

Wednesday 09.00-15.00

Thursday 09.00-15.00

Friday 09.00-15.00

Service area

Askola, Lapinjärvi, Loviisa, Porvoo, Pukkila, Sipoo, Vantaa

Service languages

Suomi, Svenska

Other contact details


Telephone number

+358 295652330


PL 219 01301

Staff can be reached as follows:

The customer service number 029 56 52330 is available from Monday to Friday at 8.00-16.15.

Telephone service hours of the public guardianship and public guardianship secretaries are 10 -11 from Monday to Friday.

Reception of clients by appointment only.

The email address to the Itä-Uudenmaan public guardianship office is ita-uusimaa.edunvalvonta(at)
When sending email, please replace (at) with @.

Director of the Public Guardianship Office

Leading Public Guardian Ulla Mänttäri tel. 029 56 52331


Public guardians and their working partners

1st Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52333

2nd Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52335

3rd Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52337

4th Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52161

5th Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52163

6th Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52162

7th Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52346

8th Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52349